Afghani chicken kebabs recipe to cook at home and to enjoy with family and friends

Afghani chicken kebabs

By Sukhi Singh

February 18, 2018

The first time I tried Afghani chicken was in a restaurant whilst I was in India and I instantly fell in love with it. The chicken was really soft and tender, full of flavour but without the overpowering heat that Indians might expect. Traditionally cooked in a tandoor oven, this dish soon became really popular on my dinner menu. We Punjabis have a lot to thank the Afghan people for, with the tandoor being top of my list.


1Add the ginger, garlic paste, white pepper powder, cumin powder, coriander, salt and lime juice in a bowl and mix well.

2Add the chicken and mix well. Marinate the chicken in the fridge for 4-24 hours.

3Add the cream after the chicken has marinated. Mix it well and skewer the chicken onto bamboo sticks.

4Preheat your grill to the highest setting and cook the chicken for 25 minutes, rotating it every 2-3 minutes.


1 kg boneless chicekn thighs, cut in half

2 1/2 tbsp ginger and garlic paste

1 1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp white pepper powder

1 tsp cumin powder

1 tsp coriander powder

juice of 1 lime

100 ml double cream


1 Review


February 18, 2018


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